xRavenXP, Have you Re-encoded street fighter 2 for mega drive yet?
MadMatty11 years ago
Or raging as its out of sheduled time
Tarosan11 years ago
Silent Hill's up on Youtube... the site's manager will now be happy
MadMatty11 years ago
@Fred, Bring us the first Saints Row on X360
JagOfTroy11 years ago
@Fred Some of them have been done on other platforms already.
I also tried one of the older ones and didn't really care for it.
Spazbo411 years ago
well on my catherine longplay i got the true katherine ending if that has anything to do with anything
Frederikct11211 years ago
JagOfTroy, i see you are doing Saints Row IV. Why not do the entire series instead of starting with the newest one?
Spikestuff11 years ago
Okay I'm drunk I'm thinking of something that I may be wrong on... but the girls are different from memory.
Tsunao11 years ago
Um...what differences? You mean the way the player plays through the game?
Spikestuff11 years ago
lol Spazbo and Tsunao you function together so world with K/Catherine
Spikestuff11 years ago
@ScHlAuChi and for PS4 MGS (idk I'm just bored atm)
ScHlAuChi11 years ago
BF4 should be recorded in 1080p60, as its the firtst "NextGen" recording.
mihaibest11 years ago
battlefield 4 is mine, right after im done with the modern warfare games
grey1711 years ago
AC4 & BF4 are released,at last
Spikestuff11 years ago
@johtto how's CTR going?
Geekmeister11 years ago
You are very welcome
UKMikey11 years ago
Thanks very much. Much appreciated.
Geekmeister11 years ago
@UkMikey you have to click on the Https or torrent links in the left corner it also says "All files"
UKMikey11 years ago
Hello, when I go to the Bioshock 2 download page on archive.org there are no download links.
Spikestuff11 years ago
"If you trade cards with another copy of Crash Fusion/Purple, you will automatically receive this card" Crap... Guess it will be close full completion I'll mention it in the description