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Spikestuff10 years ago
@ScHlAuChi and for PS4 MGS (idk I'm just bored atm)
ScHlAuChi10 years ago
BF4 should be recorded in 1080p60, as its the firtst "NextGen" recording.
mihaibest10 years ago
battlefield 4 is mine, right after im done with the modern warfare games Grin
grey1710 years ago
AC4 & BF4 are released,at lastSmile
Spikestuff10 years ago
@johtto how's CTR going?
Geekmeister10 years ago
You are very welcome Smile
UKMikey10 years ago
Thanks very much. Much appreciated.
Geekmeister10 years ago
@UkMikey you have to click on the Https or torrent links in the left corner it also says "All files"
UKMikey10 years ago
Hello, when I go to the Bioshock 2 download page on there are no download links.
Spikestuff10 years ago
"If you trade cards with another copy of Crash Fusion/Purple, you will automatically receive this card" Crap... Guess it will be close full completion I'll mention it in the description
Tsunao10 years ago
Psycho cane, you're so keen. I need more candy canes! Also...I believe I'm fat, 'cause I like it like that. I believe I'm fat, 'cause I like it that.
xRavenXP10 years ago
I finished the 2 of 3 encodes of The World Ends With You. The encode of another day mode almost done. I will send in some days! Wink
Spazbo410 years ago
well, i will finish any of the sidemissions that are pretty big, the side missions that i won't do are the riddler/enigma ones because there are just too many data things to find for me
Spazbo410 years ago
maybe i'll do the game 100% when they patch it but right now i'm already sick of the game on how buggy it was
emergency210 years ago
and i think this game is just deserve to be longplayed for good. not some sort of "fast story longplay and i dont care about rest"
emergency210 years ago
really spazbo... can you please make good 100% batman longplay or dont post it at all just so others can see this place vacant? its sandbox game. why not do 100% in sandbox?
Spazbo410 years ago
well if somebody wants to do a 100% longplay then nobody is stopping them from doing it but I wanted to do my own of it just to beat the story
AgentOrange10 years ago
Why bother then? There are dozens of those on Youtube already.
Spazbo410 years ago
sorry but I'm not doing 100% on origins, but im already done recording it and it took me 9 hours to beat without stopping except to eat and stuff
Spikestuff11 years ago
It might take around 13hrs to 100% that's me being generous about time.