Edit the size part in the Subtitle script (example: size=24). More Subtitle info
xRavenXP11 years ago
MadMatty probably can help you with this, his longplays have different subs than the default used by me and other longplayers!
Jihao11 years ago
I need to borrow someone's text codes, the ones I have now are okay, but I want the subs to be a bit bigger. Someone might have a better script.
Frederikct11211 years ago
YESSS! Thank you Connor for starting on Fallout! I have been waiting so long for that(too lazy to make an request)
Tsunao11 years ago
Um...well, kinda is, but kinda isn't. Answer still remains the same.
Tsunao11 years ago
No. He is talking about Shadow of the Colossus HD: the PS3 version. There's also Ico HD (throwing it out there)
dave82811 years ago
um spazbo are you talking about this?
Spazbo411 years ago
T-0815, are you ever going to finish shadow of the colossus? cause i was wondering if i could do the longplay for that
UKMikey11 years ago
If you turn up the computer volume you can hear the soldiers around the campfire in Bullfrog's Powermonger say "I really can't be bothered any more".
Spazbo411 years ago
my catch phrase would be: I REMEMBER DIS. from the black sheep in catherine when you knock them over
Tsunao11 years ago
It's ALWAYS about the phrases! I still need a catchphrase.....I got this.
Valis11 years ago
here we go with the phrases.
Tsunao11 years ago
"I got this."...That's gonna be my new go-to phrase now. :3
Tsunao11 years ago
I got this.
MadMatty11 years ago
Frederikct11211 years ago
I wonder too.
Spikestuff11 years ago
So is remyhair1 banned yet?
Ravenlord11 years ago
I will do LOK series probably will start after I finish Syphon Filter series
gio69011 years ago
Thanks alot Fred!!! Helpful indeed!!! I do hope that someone is willing to post a longplay about the Legacy of Kain saga....it would be a great add! Soul Reaver for PS1 would be a dream come true....
Frederikct11211 years ago
Part 4: Becuse thats the one with best quality! Hope that helps!