Shoutbox Archive
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MadMatty10 years ago
NPI: Worms Armageddon needs a submission entry.
Frederikct11210 years ago
Spazbo4, i hope you get the collectables in Dead Space 3. You know, the text logs and audio logs and stuff.
MadMatty10 years ago
ScHlAuChi I cant add your longplays without the game Submissions!
MadMatty10 years ago
I wouldn't bother with lethal enforcers unless you can show something missed in previous longplay (Unlikely!) Also check your final encode before uploading this time Wink ..Now I'm ...Happy af
ValisRetired10 years ago
Yes, Lunar II is finished and now i have to encode it and upload the damn game HAPPY NOW MAD MATTY? Now i have to do Lethal Enforcers for the Sega CD -_- Yeah!
Spazbo410 years ago
once i get some money i will be able to do the severed dlc in dead space 2
Spazbo410 years ago
badaboom, dead space 2 is done onto dead space 3
Spazbo410 years ago
@FrozenTundra88: I don't have the extra campaign for dead space 2 but if I buy it at some point I will do it. as for 3 I do have the awakened DLC so I will do that
FrozenTundra8810 years ago
@Spazbo4: Will you be playing the extra campaigns for 2 and 3 or just the main games? Happy either way. Smile
Spazbo410 years ago
mihaibest you're in luck since I did do my dead space longplay on the regular new game, I am also going to do that for dead space 2 and 3
Tsunao10 years ago
New house rule: all longplays are to have subtitles on! (when applicable)
MadMatty10 years ago
Replacement Vay video is up. Be sure to thank Valis for twice the downloading, I know I will.... Grin
Frederikct11210 years ago
I hope that The Walking Dead Season 2 contains the collectables. I can only hope (:
mihaibest10 years ago
..annoying to watch
mihaibest10 years ago
Spazbo, when you are recording dead space, please record new game, not new game+, because there is already a longplay of the game with new game+ and he had all weapons maxed out etc and it was really
FrozenTundra8810 years ago
Still waiting to hear about mine. Granted, it's only been a couple of days.
mihaibest10 years ago
@ZfactorMage: i plan on recording metro last light soon
Tsunao10 years ago
wats the request forum rock?
Frederikct11210 years ago
ZFactorMage: Request it under Forums - Requests, please (:
ZfactorMage10 years ago
Hey, would Geekmeister or perhaps someone play Metro Last Light?