Which is winter for the north and summer for the south.
Jkins222 years ago
Happy Solstice everyone!
Gamezopher2 years ago
Those are very nice additions in the Amiga 500 collection, Ironclaw. Thanks I'm working on an old-school point and click game, those will inspire me.
Gamezopher2 years ago
I also turned 45 last month. I'm still a super fan of video games, especially 16-bit jRPGs and adventure games.
Valis2 years ago
I turned 45 yesterday. What do 45 year olds do anyways? >.>
xRavenXP2 years ago
It's been a long time since I've been here. I need help to use OBS. I'll message you on Discord and be more active there from now on.
DiggerandIndy2 years ago
There! Finished. Bomberman Max 2 Red Advance is now submitted again.
DiggerandIndy2 years ago
OK, I'll go ahead and reupload it. It'll be under "V2". That's the one you want.
KAGE-0082 years ago
I do not see it resubmitted. I am moving the old folder to rejected so you can upload again.
DiggerandIndy2 years ago
Got Bomberman Max 2 Red Advance resubmitted. My bad! I didn't realize I repeated the signature.
Gamezopher2 years ago
Wonderful KAGE-008, I love those quality replacement videos. Mega Man on SNES for sure needed it.
KAGE-0082 years ago
But then again, with PAD320 it's pretty easy to know which games make use of all visual space and which are a bit more squared.
Spazbo42 years ago
remember there are 2 main resolutions that genesis uses, 320x224 and 256x224, bizhawk should auto record at the original resolution for genesis games so all you should do is just double the resolution
DiggerandIndy2 years ago
@KAGE-008 Got it. Thanks!
KAGE-0082 years ago
Mux audio and video at 59.923fps on mkvtoolnix.
DiggerandIndy2 years ago
Also, is there suggestions to keep Genesis/Mega Drive longplay audio from going out of sync?
DiggerandIndy2 years ago
@KAGE-008 I see. Thanks!
KAGE-0082 years ago
Use PAD320 setting in BizHawk (Genesis > Settings) to know which of them are.
DiggerandIndy2 years ago
Do all Genesis/Mega Drive games need to be cropped 512x448 or just specific ones?