As I said, not all arcade games share the same resolution and aspect ratio. Punk Shot's original res is 288x224, so you need to use the double resize function in the avisynth script.
WWECLMAN4 years ago
Okay, Kage, for example, 640, 480?
KAGE-0084 years ago
It depends on the game, not all use the same resolution and even the aspect ratio.
As I said, not all arcade games share the same resolution and aspect ratio. Punk Shot's original res is 288x224, so you need to use the double resize function in the avisynth script.
WWECLMAN4 years ago
Okay, Kage, for example, 640, 480?
KAGE-0084 years ago
It depends on the game, not all use the same resolution and even the aspect ratio.
WWECLMAN4 years ago
I mean what's the video resolution of the arcade?
KAGE-0084 years ago
If original height is less than 400px, use double resize.
WWECLMAN4 years ago
If I encoding, does it mean to resize the video? What size is the arcade video?
Spazbo44 years ago
you make an avs script in notepad and feed that into megui
WWECLMAN4 years ago
How do I connect MeGUI and AVISynth together for Street Fighter Arcade?
danielalcolea4 years ago
Coming try resubmitted Street Fighter arcade.
DiggerandIndy4 years ago
OK, I resubmitted Mario Bros. Classic Series again, hopefully to full satisfaction.
KAGE-0084 years ago
Use MeGUI along with AviSynth as we've already stated in the pinned guides.
WWECLMAN4 years ago
How do I encode Street Fighter properly?
danielalcolea4 years ago
Better encode to Street Fighter
KAGE-0084 years ago
Championship Bowling is on the site now. As for Street Fighter, you didn't upload a better encode.
WWECLMAN4 years ago
And why both of my resubmitted longplay has been rejected?
WWECLMAN4 years ago
And what happened to Championship Bowling for Sega Genesis?
WWECLMAN4 years ago
What happened to Street Fighter Arcade I resubmitted it?
danielalcolea4 years ago
Where's Street Fighter arcade longplay?
DiggerandIndy4 years ago
I'm going to resubmit every single one of my longplays, hopefully to the satisfaction of @KAGE-008 and @Spazbo4.