Hi. Due to the thing, that i not saved after the third colosseum, my progress in Pokemon Battle Revolution is gone. So i must cancel the longplay.
DiggerandIndy3 years ago
@Gamezopher Sure am! And thanks!
Gamezopher3 years ago
So you're back for real, DiggerandIndy? Mario & Luigi RPG is a great addition.
DiggerandIndy3 years ago
If that's the case, then you'll find Kirby Tilt n' Tumble on my YouTube Channel. https://youtu.be/u4wr6RHN52U
Gamezopher3 years ago
You guys have done plenty. Do you think it would be possible to make it a job via some crowdfunding projects? Example, you guarantee that x games will be recorded if you reach x amount of cash.
Hi. Due to the thing, that i not saved after the third colosseum, my progress in Pokemon Battle Revolution is gone. So i must cancel the longplay.
DiggerandIndy3 years ago
@Gamezopher Sure am! And thanks!
Gamezopher3 years ago
So you're back for real, DiggerandIndy? Mario & Luigi RPG is a great addition.
DiggerandIndy3 years ago
If that's the case, then you'll find Kirby Tilt n' Tumble on my YouTube Channel. https://youtu.be/u4wr6RHN52U
Gamezopher3 years ago
You guys have done plenty. Do you think it would be possible to make it a job via some crowdfunding projects? Example, you guarantee that x games will be recorded if you reach x amount of cash.
PacManfan3603 years ago
Verloren5003 years ago
The question is.... Have You Seen It? Have You Heard It? Have You Felt It?
KAGE-0083 years ago
Reason is simple: we're busy. Really busy. With RL things e.g. our jobs.
Valis3 years ago
i love how we have all these submissions and none of them are done. Man, I'm such a slacker. ^_^
Gamezopher3 years ago
I watched those following NES games and they definitely need a sharper quality: Journey to Silius (very blurry), both G.I Joe games
danielalcolea3 years ago
Odissey & Channel F longplays coming soon!!
KAGE-0083 years ago
It's an indie port. Btw, why don't you join us at the Discord server? https://discordapp.com/invite/ZKNJzEP
Gamezopher3 years ago
Hey KAGE-008, is Jim Power (NES) is a new game or it was released in the old days? graphics patterns seems too good (with advanced level editor) to be from 1990.
KAGE-0083 years ago
After a certain level they do nothing when collected. Just like on the real Arcade machine.
Gamezopher3 years ago
It was nice to revisit the pac man series KAGE-008. I was 7 years old when I watched adults play it at the arcade. Ms Pac Man power pelets didn't work?
Spazbo43 years ago
Dragon Age Inquisition is finally available on archive for download
Gamezopher3 years ago
'Uridium Advance' (recent upload) has no download button.
Spazbo43 years ago
finally uploading dragon age inquisition to archive right now, gonna take a long time being 660gb
DiggerandIndy3 years ago
@Gamezopher No, the admins must've dug up the video from long ago. I uploaded it, but I deleted the submission not long after that.
Gamezopher3 years ago
Oh, are you back DiggerandIndy? Just saw a new video from you. Or maybe it's a past upload?