@DiggerandIndy: JP versions only warrant an entry here if there are significant differences between them and their USA counterparts.
WWECLMAN4 years ago
@Kage-008 Who's Charly?
DiggerandIndy4 years ago
I'm going to redo Stardew Valley then resubmit it. I'm just adding it as a placeholder for now.
KAGE-0084 years ago
@Charly: I've already processed your longplay. No need to re-create the submission.
WWECLMAN4 years ago
It's a massacre.
WWECLMAN4 years ago
I don't like to condescend anybody, it's pretty well nightmare.
KAGE-0084 years ago
Sorry but our videos must adhere to a certain standard, especially with 2D games where pixel quality is very important.
WWECLMAN4 years ago
Shit! It knocks my ass off! About Punk Shot I played is too fuckin blurry!
Spazbo44 years ago
either don't crop anything if you leave in the 3d all stars menu, or cut it from the longplay if you are going to crop the rest of super mario 64
DiggerandIndy4 years ago
@KAGE-008 Someday, but not right now. It's a very long game to record.
KAGE-0084 years ago
@Digger: So are you going to record Stardew Valley again?
DiggerandIndy4 years ago
@Spazbo4 Tell you what: I'll make everything 1440x1008, don't crop the main menu but crop the main game. How does that sound? It's that menu that's gumming up the works.
Spazbo44 years ago
i guess it will be fine if you don't crop it because of the main menu, but still needs to be redone due to the incorrect aspect ratio
DiggerandIndy4 years ago
@Spazbo4 Well, I'll see what I can do. What about the main menu where you choose the games?
Spazbo44 years ago
what is so hard about cropping it? are you not using megui for encoding? Megui has a built in script creator that can crop the longplay for you when you encode the longplay
Spazbo44 years ago
no, now I need to talk to Tsunao
DiggerandIndy4 years ago
@Spazbo4 Would it be OK to leave Super Mario 64 as is? Fire Emblem NES Switch seems to have the same problem and it seemed to be accepted fine.
Spazbo44 years ago
@DiggerandIndy the correct resolution for Super Mario 64 on Switch should be 1440x1008 after cropping, nothing else needs to be done when you crop in megui
KAGE-0084 years ago
Well, we normally process vids in the formats I mentioned (it was like that in the old site era..?) but if MeGUI can mux in .avi, then it should be fine.