i mean the name of the server you are trying to connect to
Maxorinen the Genius5 years ago
I'm going to the upload server
Spazbo45 years ago
what is the server name you are going to?
Maxorinen the Genius5 years ago
I get an error saying: Connection timed out after ** seconds of inactivity
Failed to retrieve directory listing, How do I fix it?
grey175 years ago
WoL has reached 950,000 subscribers , let's shoot for 1 million subs and 1 billion views milestones before the end of this year
KAGE-0085 years ago
Username and password for the FTP is 'upload'.
Maxorinen the Genius5 years ago
How do I fix: 530 Login incorrect.
Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server, on Filezilla Client
Mariofan985 years ago
German Posts in Requests xD
Mariofan985 years ago
@digger Nice that you'll do Cars for Wii, because in Europe the game doesnt support 480p and suppor only 50hz so the component cable are at this game useless.
Vanyok5 years ago
My longplay of Kula World is on FTP.
DiggerandIndy5 years ago
@Cthomas1486 Shout out!
Cthomas14865 years ago
Give me a shout out!
Vanyok5 years ago
@KAGE-008 Thanks for the link!
DiggerandIndy5 years ago
@Maxorinen the Genius Sorry for my implications that you were a loser. I thought you were just some random troll.
KAGE-0085 years ago
@Vanyok — Just use the official encoding profiles for MeGUI. Get them here: https://longplays.eu/MEGUI.7z
Vanyok5 years ago
Hi! Sorry, if my question will a little stupid. Can I use MP3 codec for audio compressing? I tried asked admins in IRC chat, but I didn't recieve an answer. Thanks in advance for response!
KAGE-0085 years ago
On the YT channel (in About section), you'll find a Discord join link. Much better than using the IRC, plus that you can check back without needing to log in every time.
Maxorinen the Genius5 years ago
KAGE-008 How do I Submit and Upload my longplay?
KAGE-0085 years ago
I remember watching that when I was 11 (I'm 24 now). It was so great lol.