Is it okay If I upload my Kid Chameleon? KAGE-008?
KAGE-0085 years ago
You don't need to ask for a permission. Everyone is free to record anything and submit them. Remember to use the tools we use for encoding.
Maxorinen the Genius5 years ago
Can you just be flexible and let me upload my Kid Chameleon longplay? KAGE-008
KAGE-0085 years ago
As I said, we need proof of that. This site isn't meant to always show real-life skills, in modern stuff for example people leave the death scenes in their videos if they want to.
Is it okay If I upload my Kid Chameleon? KAGE-008?
KAGE-0085 years ago
You don't need to ask for a permission. Everyone is free to record anything and submit them. Remember to use the tools we use for encoding.
Maxorinen the Genius5 years ago
Can you just be flexible and let me upload my Kid Chameleon longplay? KAGE-008
KAGE-0085 years ago
As I said, we need proof of that. This site isn't meant to always show real-life skills, in modern stuff for example people leave the death scenes in their videos if they want to.
Maxorinen the Genius5 years ago
KAGE-008 I'm a nice guy I'm doing this to be kind.
DiggerandIndy5 years ago
@Maxorinen the Genius Okay, then ask how to be a Longplayer so you can submit the video if you think yours is better.
Maxorinen the Genius5 years ago
I am not a hater I'm being just nice, Mine has no deaths in the game, it's perfect KAGE-008.
DiggerandIndy5 years ago
@KAGE-008 Yeah, he sounds like another loser.
KAGE-0085 years ago
I think he's one of those people who complain on Twitter. ScHlAuChi did a post on YT about it (check the Community section there).
DiggerandIndy5 years ago
@Maxorinen the Genius Then why don't you upload it to WoL and let the admins decide?
KAGE-0085 years ago
Haven't even submitted it. Are you a hater of some sort?
Maxorinen the Genius5 years ago
To KAGE-008 I did a longplay of Kid Chameleon and mine is better than yours.
danielalcolea5 years ago
when goes upload Intellvision longplays?
Frederikct1125 years ago
@st1979 fixed thanks for letting us know
ST-19795 years ago
DL link for C64 Snare is broken.
DiggerandIndy5 years ago
@Spazbo4 Fair enough. I always try to comply with regular practices and if I don't it's completely unintentional.
Spazbo45 years ago
but if Schlauchi says its ok then I will too, which is what I'm currently trying to get him to check
Spazbo45 years ago
@DiggerandIndy i'm just wondering who accepted it because when we have new ways of recording they should be gone through tests before just putting the whole longplay on the FTP cause some of us th
KAGE-0085 years ago
@pasha2137 — It was a replacement to a very old version of the SM64 longplay from a decade ago (hence the #001 ID on YT).