Shoutbox Archive
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DiggerandIndy5 years ago
I'm not doing any more Japanese releases unless it's Japan-only and/or has a Fan Translation since the rules need better consistency.
Verloren5005 years ago
Someone will do a longplay of Phineas and Ferb.
KAGE-0085 years ago
A note regarding my re-submissions: only the video is updated with better quality, description and original date must be kept as-is so people won't notice.
Spazbo45 years ago
if there are actual differences other than the text then you should put it in the description, if there is no other differences then we dont need those longplays as we have the english versions alread
Spazbo45 years ago
@DiggerandIndy: what is the difference between super mario collection and super mario all stars? and all those other snes mario games you did the japanese version of
KAGE-0085 years ago
@Digger: Don't know if you have noticed, but Ganbare Goemon NES is actually 8 loops long.
Mariofan985 years ago
Ok, Pokemon Black 2 is finally finished and i've finished again only the Main Story with a time of 21:41:24 hours.
DiggerandIndy5 years ago
I'm gonna leave SimCity SNES for whoever wants it. I hate to say it, but it was too much for me. Frown
KAGE-0085 years ago
I personally prefer to do stuff that don't take me more than 3 hours to complete. The only exception was Faria which brought me childhood memories.
DiggerandIndy5 years ago
@KAGE-008, Aw shucks. I didn't wanna steal it from you, but thanks anyways.
KAGE-0085 years ago
Digger, Yoshi Island JP is all yours to do. Enjoy Smile
Mariofan985 years ago
@DiggerandIndy For Pokemon rpgs is it very stable and you must not use the cursor as touchpen.
DiggerandIndy5 years ago
@Mariofan98 True, unless you're working on a game with strenuous stylus usage. I tried to record Bomberman Land Touch once, but I knew I had to wait.
Mariofan985 years ago
nope, DeSmuME works great and has a great AVI output
DiggerandIndy5 years ago
@Mariofan98 I know this is crazy expensive, but maybe you should invest in those Katsukity or Loopy 3DSes. They work great!
Mariofan985 years ago
@DiggerandIndy yup, DeSmuME v0.9.9
DiggerandIndy5 years ago
@Mariofan98 Are you using an emulator?
Mariofan985 years ago
Ok, i'll give up with longplaying Pokemon Platinum Sad
DiggerandIndy5 years ago
Sorry for being Captain Obvious, just trying to minimize confusion. Pfft
KAGE-0085 years ago
Same with Super Mario: Yoshi Island, which is the JP release of the sequel.