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Spazbo44 years ago
I wouldn't recommend the USB3HDCAP since it doesnt have an output for the video so you would either have to use a splitter, which I can't recommend using a splitter for analogue input
Spazbo44 years ago
I do recommend the avermedia live gamer extreme simply because it is the best for anything 1080p and lower, as long as your pc is capable
Spazbo44 years ago
Avermedia used to be not so good, but with recentral 4 it has gotten quite good, and the live gamer 4k is much better than how buggy elgato 's 4k capture was
DiggerandIndy4 years ago
@Spazbo4 I never was impressed with Avermedia, so I might try something else. I'm thinking aount investing in a StarTech USB3HDCAP. Anybody had experience with that?
Spazbo44 years ago
I use an avermedia live gamer extreme, but I believe just about anything that works with OBS studio that has component input should be fine, but I can't really confirm for anything but what I have
DiggerandIndy4 years ago
@Spazbo4 What device would you recommend to record PS2, GameCube, anything 480i?
DiggerandIndy4 years ago
@Spazbo4 Yeeeahhh I'm working on it. That's why I'm only working on those sparingly until I can perfect it. Thanks, though!
Spazbo44 years ago
@diggerandindy: I recommend this when you record anything in 480i as your current setup you use has terrible deinterlacing
Mariofan984 years ago
@KAGE-008 You forgot Game Boy Color, GameCube, (3)DS and Wii in "YT playlists' refactoring proposals".
Tudor4 years ago
i'm on shoutbox! WinkSmile hi mom!
DiggerandIndy4 years ago
FINALLY got Super Mario 3D All-Stars uploaded. The files you want are labeled according to the new mandatory procedures.
Big Lad Walrus
Big Lad Walrus4 years ago
jaylou4 years ago
hellow po newbee here
Mariofan984 years ago
Maybe in the future after this month i will calm down from Wii longplays and do as X-Mas Longplays "The Grinch" for PSX & NDS after i longplayed GBC version in 2016.
Spazbo44 years ago
with the proper settings NVENC H264 and NVENC x265 can look as good as cpu x264 and x265, but the filesize will be a lot bigger using nvenc
Ravenlord4 years ago
My question was not quality but does Megui supports it?! It is for my 4K projects and NVENC renders videos 3 times faster than CPU
Mariofan984 years ago
Quality from best to worst x264 veryslow 2pass > x265 medium > NVENC H265 ≥ x264 medium > NVENC H264
Ravenlord4 years ago
Do any of you know can you use NVENC in megui to render video instead of CPU?
KAGE-0084 years ago
The old disk used for the FTP died without any warning. We had to reupload our stuff that was pending before the incident.
Maxorinen the Genius
Maxorinen the Genius4 years ago
What happened to my kid Chameleon long play?!!!