I like hitman to be don like the turrican or alyx games
Verloren5004 years ago
I'm back! I've request some Nintendo DS at the Requests section of this forum.
blandes024 years ago
Which Longplayers want to do the Game Boy Color Game: Extreme Sports with the Berenstain Bears?
DiggerandIndy4 years ago
@Mariofan98 Thanks! I just take whatever I find while I'm out game hunting, and I use the real deal to record, too.
Mariofan984 years ago
@DiggerandIndy Nice, that you'll do Sonic Adventure DX, i had also the idea to longplaying this on Dolphin 5.0 but nice that you do this already
KAGE-0084 years ago
@Ravenlord — Metal Slug Anthology is a compilation of the arcade games, it should be done in one entry with each game as a part of it.
Verloren5004 years ago
Listen all of you -- piracy links are NOT allowed.
Spazbo44 years ago
we dont do longplays of mobile games
Verloren5004 years ago
I'm back! Someone did a longplay on Fire 7 Tablet, Disney Princess: Magical Jewels (Europe).
DiggerandIndy4 years ago
@Spazbo4 Huh. I'll make a note. I'll also keep an eye on the Dreamcast HDMI mod.
Spazbo44 years ago
They keep going up in price so you might want to get one sooner than later, I was lucky when I got mine with an everdrive for only $700
DiggerandIndy4 years ago
@Spazbo4 True. I've thought about getting one of those for a while.
Spazbo44 years ago
It's best to use an ultra hdmi mod for n64, as n64 emulation still isn't good for a lot of games
DiggerandIndy4 years ago
@FireyPaperMario Glitchy as it is, it's common to use emulators for older systems. That's what they want! Just either go to the forums or Discord for some help.
FireyPaperMario4 years ago
@DiggerandIndy I don't use emulators that often.... But okay... I believe you
DiggerandIndy4 years ago
@FireyPaperMario You should use an emulator for N64. Besides, I already did Paper Mario.
FireyPaperMario4 years ago
Hey, I was TRYING to record part 1 out of ?? of my 100% longplay of Paper Mario for Nintendo 64, and my "N64 to HDMI" converter kept resetting the game at random points.... Any sugges
DiggerandIndy4 years ago
Well, I'm back. Right now some stuff's up in the air about my job, but I'm going to start recording games again.
Stenio_Henrique4 years ago
This channel re-upload some longplays of WoL https://www.youtube.com/c/MINIGUEIMEIROS/videos
Mariofan984 years ago
I'll give up on Mega Man Anniversary Collection, MM7 is harder than i thought! :/